Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My week: Diets + Mom Advice!

I have had such a great week so far & I'm quite happy, baby bird on the other hand; not so much. He has been a total cranky pants, minimal napping, fuss box; but I will not be complaining about him since he's been sleeping through the night for just over a month!

Last week a fellow momma blogger wrote a post about how "off" her day would be if she was awoken by her little one & I was overzealous to read this as I feel the same way. I've never been one to wake up happily to an alarm clock, the buzzing is startling & just so darn demanding so why would I like waking up to my baby bird who sometimes wakes up "squealing at the top of his lungs". In this New Year I am going to make a conscious effort to wake myself up at 6:30 or 7am(7 is cutting it close as he wakes up right at 7 sometimes). I've heard countless times how other mothers have that morning time to prepare for the day, have alone time, & just hang loose with no expectations so I'm thinking I should try it.

Project weight loss took a back seat last week due to fussy pants because I'm definitely a stress eater & couldn't get on the ball while already falling off it. I have decided to go the Weight Watchers way though & already have a good buddy & swell support team! My buddy lives oh...about 5.5 hours away, but hopefully we can pull this thing out together. I'm looking to lose around 30 pounds when all is said & done, but my small goal is 10 (during my 1st trimester of pregnancy I lost about 20lbs & that is 10 lbs less than now). I read on another blogger's weight loss success that she tried to blog daily as a motivator & it worked for her so I'm thinking of making a separate weight  loss blog as not to bore everyone with everyday weight posts.

My last thought for my blog today is Mom Advice: no matter who you are, if you're a mom then you have advice & should share it! Since my short time of joining blogger I have acquired some pretty neat advice from fellow mom's & also from Mom blog sites, I actually think that's one of my main reasons for joining & connecting with all of you wonderful mommas! For the good part of baby bird 1st year I was a self proclaimed *Google Queen*, I googled everything small & confusing about motherhood, hoping that someone before me had been through it & had an easy fix. There were tons of times that this strategy helped me through, I obviously only used it for small normal situations(think: non medication, non life changing topics), but sometimes it saved my life. Most recently with baby bird was his lack of ability to sleep through the night for his 1st year, eventually we tried the Cry It Out method after his 1st birthday & after 2 days of waking for 5 minutes, he slept through the night from 8:30pm-7am! I am so thankful for momma help & think it's so great that there are forums & groups that are there to help a new mom through her journey, because that 1st year was a scary time I tell ya!


  1. Following you from the "Simply Follow" group on MBC. I am now following you and would appreciate your visiting my site and following back. Thank you so much! Looking forward to meeting you!

  2. Good luck on your weight loss journey. I am definitely a stress eater so I get it.

  3. I need a buddy for my weight loss attempt without having anyone I am doing bad bad. I do CIO if princess only sleeps 30 minutes for her 2 nap, I know that isnt long enough for her. It works for that for me too. Glad baby bird is doing well.
